The Differences Between iPad, Galaxy Tab, and PlayBook

Research In Motion (RIM) just bring the BlackBerry Playbook, which was launched at the BlackBerry Developer Conference (DevCon 2010).
There's nothing wrong with RIM steps out products like Apple's tablet PC. Although more popular with its BlackBerry devices, a number of parties considered an Internet-based tablet PC RIM's strong enough and has its own segment.
If the BlackBerry Playbook aligned with the Galaxy Tab and Apple iPad, a striking difference lies in the size of the three. BlackBerry Playbook and feel pretty with Galaxy Tab by 7-inch screen, while the screen size Apple iPad nearly 10-inches.
If you include people who are highly mobile, Samsung and BlackBerry Playbook Tab Galaxy is more suitable because of light and simple. However, if you want a bigger screen, please select the iPad. All depends on individual taste.
However, for the resolution and sharpness of the screen, Apple iPad still champion. Ipad has a resolution of 1024 × 768 pixels on the screen 9.7-inch IPS. These specifications are much sharper than the Galaxy Tabs property that comes with touch screen 7-inch capacitive WSVGA 1024 × 600 pixel resolution, and BlackBerry Playbook with multi-touch TFT screen for 7-inch screen resolution 1024 × 600 pixels.
For those of you who are still confused, here's a comparison between the BlackBerry Playbook, Samsung Galaxy Tab, and Apple iPad is viewed from a variety of specifications:
As you can see, the BlackBerry Playbook more stable than iPad and Galaxy Tab on the performance side, where RIM pin dual-processor 1GHz for Playbook.
Meanwhile, the iPad was again defeated the BlackBerry Playbook and Galaxy Tab on the side of the camera. Galaxy Playbook Tab and each has two cameras.
This comparison can continue to change, as the emergence of updates for each OS.


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